Traveling Around to Feminine Collective and The Honeyed Quill

Feminine Collective paid me a great honor in publishing my essay “Cosby’s Indirect Impact on Pop Culture and Why It’s Still No Excuse”. They’re celebrating their second birthday today. So go show them some love.

At The Honeyed Quill, you can find my deeply personal look at the dark side of being an abuse survivor, “The Beast Within Me”. Shawna is also content editor for On the Verge with Shareen Mansfield where you will find “The Ninth Planet”, some amazing work by Jacqueline Cioffa. Shawna will be my guest here soon, and I can’t wait.

I hope you check out these fine sites. It’s quite an honor to have my work published by these amazing people.

Also, while you’re at Feminine Collective, buy yourself a copy of their anthology “Raw and Unfiltered Vol. 1”. If you do so by March 31, half your purchase will support homeless women and their children. I already did.

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