Purity Culture With Scarlet Virgins Author Rebecca Lemke


What does a 40-something non-religious man have to learn from a 21-year-old Christian about Purity Culture. Plenty. And those things can certainly be used to understand the broader American culture.

For more on Rebecca’s forthcoming book, go to the Scarlet Virgins website.

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Meandering Musings Week 20, 2017

I got a super-advance copy of “The Scarlet Virgins” by Rebecca Lemke. It’s certainly targeted to Christians, but I am hooked. Then again, I’m someone who doesn’t mind having his views challenged. I should have my podcast with Rebecca up in the next couple of days. This young woman has a number of books left to write. I can’t wait to read them all.

Speaking of my podcast, I can’t believe it took me this long to start doing one. It’s a lot of work, but I love doing it. I don’t even care if anyone listens, but I’d really love it if you would be a guest. Drop a line to swmseekspodcast@gmail.com.

I had some other things running through my head throughout the week. Then I heard the news about Chris Cornell, and everything else kind of ran away.

Back in November 1996, I went to see Soundgarden at the Palace of Auburn Hills. It was a great show with a nice mix of songs from throughout their career. Part of what inspired me to go was missing a Nirvana show a few years earlier and just thinking I’d catch their next tour. For many of us who became adults the big four Seattle bands (Nirvana, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, Alice In Chains) will always have special importance.

“Is it to the sky…?”

Speaking Autism with The Relationship Blogger Raymond Baxter

What happens when two straight white men sit around talking autism? At least part of the answer is in this episode. Check it out.


From Raymond:

I’m a man that’s been through the pitfalls and elations of relationships in my ever growing quest to better my knowledge in the human condition. I’ve been in the game and around the Internet since 1996 and surprisingly I’m still using it today. I’ve definitely found myself in some weird and wonderful places and I hope to share all of this with you lucky people.

Talking With Myself About Sex Abuse at U of AZ and 13 Reasons Why

I recorded a short solo podcast while wandering around my backyard with my kitty Francesca. There is some talk, though none of it explicit, of sexual assault, abuse, stalking, etc. Coming soon is my conversation with Raymond Baxter from The Relationship Blogger about autism. I hope you’ll come back for that.


I hope you’ll be a guest on the SWM Seeks podcast. Drop a line to swmseekspodcast@gmail.com.

Meandering Musings Week 19, 2017

I have a somewhat heavy week of personal engagements and podcast bookings. I dig it, but it’s getting in the way of me coming up with my Meandering Musings.

I started writing a post about why I don’t do politics on my podcast and have mostly quit talking politics in general. Then I realized that too many people wouldn’t listen anyway, and that’s one of the reasons why I quit. So I just quit writing about why I quit talking about politics.

A second reading of “13 Reasons Why” and perhaps a second viewing of the show will be necessary before I feel comfortable offering up my own thoughts. However, this past week I’ve read two great posts, one from Sarahbeth Caplin and another from Sarah Fader. Check them out.

I was going to record a solo podcast regarding this story someone sent me from the ESPN website. I may end up doing it as part of something else in the future. In the meantime, I have to mention that I’ve never seen a case in which I believed an accused rapist who said, “It was consensual.” Going over all the other reasons why I believe he is completely guilty would take a while, but that might happen in the future.

As I vaguely wrote above, I have a few podcast bookings this week. That means I should have at least one episode ready by next week and a couple more close behind. I’d be more than happy, though, to have several more bookings. Speak to me: swmseekspodcast@gmail.com.

Meandering Musings Week 18, 2017

Content warning: Suicide

I’ve been sidetracked by the A to Z Blogging Challenge as well as starting up my podcast. It’s time, though, for another round of my Meandering Musings.

Let me mention again my podcast with Alexis Donkin. I hate doing self-promotion, but this is really about her. I don’t do every little thing that she does, but her approach really is some kind of magical. I’ve been focusing on trying it more and more. It really does help.

I watched “13 Reasons Why” and have started reading the book. Maybe after I’m done with the book, I’ll write something more comprehensive. For the moment, I have to say I enjoyed it. I think it has a lot of important things to say and not just about suicide. I also thought there were more and probably stronger reasons than the “13”.

As for whether or not anyone should watch it, that’s everyone’s individual choice. Encouraging people not to watch it seems a terrible idea, particularly with teenagers. Watch it with them and discuss it. Telling them to stay away from the show will only push them towards it.

Someone I went to Afghanistan with committed suicide last week. Of all the brothers and sisters I’ve lost, this one was the most shocking. He was young, smart, healthy, one of the best soldiers I’ve ever met. When last I saw him, he looked to be headed toward a very bright future. This is the fourth war buddy I’ve lost in the past two years, all but one 30 or younger.

Podcast: Living and Loving Intentionally with Alexis Donkin


Alexis Donkin was kind enough to guest on my podcast. You should definitely give her a listen.

I’m naturally a grumpy, cynical sort, but influences like Alexis Donkin have been bringing me around to different mindsets and habits. It really has made me feel much better. It’s scarily magical.

Also, feel free to vote on whether or not I should keep Francesca around for future podcasts or move into a different work space. I can’t blame all my audio problems on her, but she definitely created some background noise. (The ones that aren’t her fault are already getting better, though.)

You should be my guest. Drop a line to swmseekspodcast@gmail.com.